Chicagoland SIA Blog

Two ways a global pandemic has changed the business world

It’s been months of uncertainty and upheaval. And now, across the nation, people are going back to work and businesses are trying to reopen and get back on track after the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak. What’s the new normal going to look like? Here are two ways that the global pandemic has fundamentally changed the way U.S. companies do business:

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Employee retention: It's not always about money

We all know that happier workers are more likely to deliver great customer service and stick with your insurance agency over the long term. But did you know that for most people, money can’t buy workplace happiness? Research shows that making employees happy is more than just paying them a good — or great — salary or giving them a raise.

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Employee training options for insurance agencies

In operating a successful insurance agency, an area of key importance is developing an employee training program. All employees should have in-depth knowledge of insurance. You will want producers and other employees involved in selling insurance to obtain an insurance license. Other training could also be beneficial, including sales and customer service training.

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Stronger passwords, made easy

How many different login credentials do you use every day? If you are like most people, you have several accounts for your online banking, email, subscriptions, online shopping and other sites. And these are just in your personal life. Chances are, you have a number of passwords you use each day for business as well.

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