Chicagoland SIA Blog

Agency sales goals for the New Year
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What's keeping your agency from reaching the next level?
Do you feel like your insurance agency has grown stagnant? An agency must grow to survive and growth requires change. Growth won’t happen if you continue to do things the same way you’ve always done them. Change is sometimes hard, but often results in the growth necessary to keep your agency thriving.

Documents that you'll never want to toss
If you’re like most Americans, you have amassed quite the collection of financial documents, including receipts, invoices, pay stubs, bank statements, utility bills and old tax returns. Most can be tossed after a certain period of time. But there are some things that you’ll want to consider keeping forever. Here are some of them:

Smart phone security tips for insurance professionals
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Responding to negative customer reviews
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Insurance producers: independent contractor vs. employee
An insurance producer is hired to find new prospects for an insurance agency and turn those prospects into clients by convincing them to purchase an insurance policy. He or she may be designated as an employee or as an independent contractor. There have been legal rulings both ways as to the proper classification of insurance agents/producers. Does it matter which classification you choose? It does matter. Here is why.

Three tips for avoiding spam filters
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The value of job descriptions and titles
Do your insurance agency employees have job descriptions and titles? They should! It can help to clarify potential issues as your agency grows and you expand your staff. Let’s look at how to start this process.

Protecting your clients from credit card fraud
Did you know that since 2016, 15 million people have become victims of credit card fraud? Javelin Strategy and Research estimated that credit card fraud cost $16 billion that year. With credit card fraud on the rise, learning how to safeguard against cyber criminals is more important than ever before. Here’s information your clients should know about how to use credit cards safely and lessen the chances of becoming a victim of identity theft.