Chicagoland SIA Blog
Trying to take your insurance agency to the next level?
Looking for some great ways to grow your insurance agency? Whether you’re a new agent or have been in the insurance industry for a while, there are a number of simple ways to increase your agency’s revenue. Which of these strategies are you employing in your agency?
Three qualities of successful leadership
Running an insurance agency is no small feat. If you ask the U.S. Small Business Administration, they’ll tell you that one-third of all new companies fail in the first two years. Half of all new businesses make it four years, and only 40 percent survive for six years or more. So how do businesses survive? And more importantly, how do they thrive? A recent study by Gallup found that a business’s ability to make it over the hump has much to do with leadership. Although there are numerous factors that influence success, Gallup found that the quality of an organization’s leadership has more to do with its longevity than any other factor. In its research, Gallup has found that companies that survive over the long term have leaders that share the following key characteristics:
Avoid slips and falls at the office this winter
Did you know that slips and falls are two of the most common causes of injury during the winter months? Rain, ice and snow all can dramatically increase the likelihood that you or one of your employees will end up injured. One of the best ways to avoid a serious injury? Walk like a penguin. It’s easy. Simply spread your feet out a bit to increase your center of gravity and take small steps. Next time you are out on an icy sidewalk, try it. Here are some other suggestions to help prevent wintertime slips and falls:
A strong personal brand based on kindness
Read MoreGuiding families with teen drivers
Chances are, you have a significant number of customers who either have a teen driver in their household or will have one soon. Those families are going to have questions about protecting their teens and also will be looking for ways to keep their auto insurance costs under control. It’s a fact: As a group, teenagers cost more to insure than adults. That’s due, of course, to the fact that teen drivers are the riskiest age group to insure. The risk of motor vehicle accidents is higher among 16- to 19-year-olds than among any other age group. They are nearly three times more likely to crash than older drivers.
Does your agency promote workplace wellness?
Gym memberships. Yoga classes. Weight loss competitions. Healthy snacks. Support groups for smokers wanting to quit. Fun runs.
Looking to increase your productivity? Get moving!
Think you don’t have time to exercise? Think again! If you want to be more productive, whether at home or at work, then you may want to make time each day to exercise. Studies show that regular exercise can help boost productivity while a sedentary lifestyle can make people less productive in all areas of their lives. A Harvard study also linked regular exercise to a host of other benefits, including sharper memory, greater creativity and quicker learning!
Are you growing your business network?
You know that meeting and networking with new people can help you grow your company. And in a day and age where we can connect online and in-person with virtually anyone, the possibilities to make important connections are endless. Are you effectively growing and leveraging your business network? Here are five great ways to use networking as a business development tool:
The science of being more efficient at work
We all want to be more efficient, right? Yet research shows that many of us are going about it the wrong way. Here are some ways that research suggests can help us be more efficient at the office.