New Client Onboarding
Do you have a process for onboarding new clients?
Do you have a process for onboarding new clients?
While switching from a captive to an independent insurance agency does not technically make you a “new agent” in the traditional sense of the term, it can feel like a fresh start. While you have the advantage of industry knowledge based on your previous work in insurance there are several differences and challenges that will need to be overcome.
Albert Einstein said, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
Has anyone ever asked for five minutes of your time? What is five minutes of your time even worth? If a client, employee, friend or significant other asked for five minutes of your time—do you have it to give? Or are you simply too wrapped up in your day and the tasks you need to accomplish to slow things down and make time for other people?
Do you have a paperless agency? The paperless agency is becoming more common than ever before. In the last 20 years, even the last decade, the reliance of the insurance agency on automation has increased significantly. While it once may have been adequate to store client files and policy information manually, this is no longer considered efficient or cost effective.
Have you heard of the 80/20 rule for social media marketing? If you’re using social media for business purposes, it’s one way to help you decide which types of content to post. If you follow this rule, 80% of what you post should be informative or entertaining (and NOT brand specific) while keeping any content that’s self-promoting to about 20%. Or how about the 5-3-2 rule? The rule was first proposed by TA McCann from Out of 10 social media posts:
Do you know the most effective way to protect your private information? It sounds simple, but it is incredibly effective: You must get good at managing your passwords. Here are three of the best ways to do that:
Ever wonder how hackers gain access to online accounts at home or at the office? There are a variety of different ways, but one of the most common is by using the right password. That’s right. Criminals can gain access to your private information because they either have or can easily guess your login credentials. Unfortunately, most of us make it far too easy for criminals to access their accounts that way. Here are some common ways hackers gain access to your agency’s accounts and your own — and what you can do to thwart them:
Did you know that from Memorial Day to Labor Day each year, thousands of teens are injured or killed in driving accidents nationwide? That’s why this time period is called the ’100 deadliest days’ for teen drivers.
Does your agency have a quality and mobile-friendly online presence with clear online branding? It all starts with a great website. Many times the skeleton of a website — or a semi-functional site — is built and owners move on to more time-sensitive business issues. Here’s why you need to invest in a solid and mobile-friendly website: