Chicagoland SIA Blog

SEO and magnified glass

Optimize Your Content for SEO with Context and Intent

When it comes to creating content for your website, there are a few important factors to keep in mind if you want it to rank well in search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a complex field, but by focusing on three key elements – content, context, and intent – you can give your pages a better chance of ranking highly and reaching your target audience.

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Have you developed a Digital Strategy?

A Digital Strategy focuses on how you use technology to improve your business. Having a sound digital presence is one factor of an overall digital strategy as it focuses on the use of online technologies to give your business a competitive edge. However, your digital strategy does not end there - having an agency management system and leveraging other technologies to improve your business’s performance, as well as the process of evaluating new technologies you may wish to implement in the future, are all part of your digital strategy.

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