What are your New Year's Resolutions?

What are your agency’s goals for 2022? If you’re looking to make some new goals for a new year, we have some ideas. Here are some ways to help your agency to grow and succeed in the coming year:
Make your insurance business more profitable. This year, make a pledge to learn more about all of the ways our organization can help your insurance business grow and succeed. There are many! Visit our website: http://Chicagolandsia.comand call us at (630) 629-0552to learn more about our member tools and resources.
Increase your employee retention. Get to know your employees and find out what they are looking for in an employer. Studies show many workers aren’t only looking for better pay. Many workers, for example, are juggling child care and/or caregiving responsibilities and are looking for things like flexible working arrangements and remote work options. Depending on the situation, allowing a valued employee to work at home one day a week or to work a flexible schedule could be a powerful retention tool.
Help your customers to bundle up. Studies show that customers are more likely to stick with you if they have more than one insurance product with your agency. Cross-selling and bundling coverages can benefit your customers — and you.
Improve your customer service. When was the last time you surveyed your clients? Ask for customer feedback and respond to it in a timely fashion. When they call your office, do you make notes and ask about their families or pets? When it comes to making your customers feel valued, little things can have a big impact. For instance, do you send a thank-you note when a customer makes a referral? Do you follow up with the customer throughout a claim?
Invest in a quality online presence. Social media is an increasingly important part of marketing an insurance agency today. Consumers use social media and online reviews to select insurance agents. Are you active on Facebook? You need to be. Have you claimed your agency’s Yelp page? Do so pronto if you haven’t. Once you’ve done that, make sure to ask satisfied customers to leave a review of their experience with you on those two websites. Those reviews are critically important.
Reach out to different demographics. Are your marketing efforts focused only on Baby Boomers? Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are a super-important customer group and one you can’t afford to ignore. Does your agency serve only individuals and families? It might be time to expand into commercial coverages. Make sure your offerings have wide appeal from a demographic perspective and that you aren’t relying only on one type of customer.