Finding and keeping the best employees

What do the most successful insurance agencies have in common? Is it great marketing or advertising campaigns? Could it be the most up-to-date computers and software? No, it is none of these things. All insurance agencies that enjoy great success have this one thing in common—they know how to find and keep the best and most talented employees.
So, if you’re wondering what the “secret sauce” is for finding the best and the brightest in agency employees, we’ve come up with a few tips to help.
#1. Be willing to look outside. The most talented employees may not necessarily have an insurance background. That superstar salesperson may in fact be working behind the counter of a retail establishment you frequent. Pay attention to talent when you encounter it. Seeing someone in action and gauging how they react to customers is 100 percent more valuable than asking a job applicant interview questions.
#2. Be willing to train. The best producer may not even be a producer, be working in the insurance industry or even have an insurance license. Be willing to train and offer to help someone get licensed. If you are only looking for licensed producers, you could be skipping over some potentially great employees.
#3. Be willing a pay an employee what he/she is worth. The best and most enthusiastic agency employees are not going to be in it for the money. Still, you need to realize your employees all have bills to pay and many have young families to support. If you are not going to pay a competitive wage, you can’t expect to keep the best employees. They are going to go where the money is.
#4. Consider hiring local. Someone who lives in the community is going to be invested in it. If an employee is traveling an hour to and from work each day, he or she is not as likely to want to be involved in community events the agency may want to sponsor. He or she may also not be able to meet with clients outside of the normal business hours.
These are just a few ways you can find and retain employees who are a good fit for your agency. Keep your eyes open. The talent is out there, you just have to find it!