What makes for a good agency staff meeting?

As an agency owner, you likely have a set time for staff meetings. How do your staff meetings go? Are they productive or is it usually the “same old same old?” Get out of a rut and start holding staff meetings that produce results! Here are a few ideas.
Activity reports
Allow each team member to give a detailed report of prospect meetings, telephone conversations, emails, texts, etc. Holding employees accountable will keep them motivated to reach agency goals.
A whiteboard listing all team members in a side-by-side comparison will not only encourage results but may also encourage some healthy competition. Rewards for high achievers are also highly effective as employee incentives to get the job done.
Allow participation
Have you ever been in a meeting where questions are discouraged? If you are not an active participant but simply present to hear the ideas of others, you soon lose interest. All members of the team are important, and their ideas and questions should be valued.
Don’t be afraid of change
Does your agency embrace innovation and change? Encourage new ideas and seriously consider how a plan can be implemented to incorporate the best ideas into your agency’s daily operations.
Allow different presenters
Do you have talented employees who can make a presentation to the team? There is no written rule that says an agency owner or department supervisor always must be the presenter at a staff meeting. Why not allow creativity to reign in your agency? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Daily huddles
Between your regularly scheduled staff meetings, hold mini meetings or “team huddles” to check in on progress and address any problems keeping individual producers/CSRs from meeting goals.
With a little effort, your agency’s staff meetings can go from monotonous to momentous–where all staff members gain insights into how to become more productive. Effective staff meetings produce results!