Congratulations BIA Graduate - Jessica Torres

Jessica Torres - BIA Certificate

Congratulations to Jessica Torres, Principal/Producer at Towers Insurance Group LLC, for her successful completion of the Chicagoland SIA Sponsored Business Insurance Advantage (BIA) Program! This remarkable achievement reflects Jessica Torres's strong commitment to professional growth and staying at the forefront of the insurance sector.

Through the BIA Program, Jessica Torres has gained invaluable insights into supercharging growth in the Small Commercial insurance sector. She has learned the secrets to building a profitable book of business, attracting ideal clients, and increasing renewal retention rates. Moreover, she has mastered a powerful "targeted approach" to marketing, enabling her to pivot and focus efforts on writing more Commercial Insurance.

Jessica Torres's completion of the BIA Program not only showcases her expertise in handling the complexities of commercial insurance but also underscores her firm commitment to advancing and sustaining her agency's success. We commend Jessica Torres for her dedication and hard work throughout the program and wish her continued success as she applies her newfound knowledge and skills to serve her clients effectively. Congratulations once again on this significant achievement!