Chicagoland SIA Blog

Are you selling on value?

Written by Amanda Yaniz | Oct 13, 2022 5:10:42 PM

Albert Einstein said, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

We often talk about selling on value, and when we say that we don’t mean the value of the policy. Anyone – or online portal – can take an order and spit out a policy. When we say value, we mean the value of your agency and you as an agent – what value do you bring to the table as an Insurance Advisor?

When Einstein said Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value, he didn’t mean you shouldn’t want to be a success – we all want to succeed – but rather to put your focus, energy, and emphasis on being of value, and success will come naturally as a result.

This should be a fundamental guiding principal for all Independent Insurance Agents.

To begin selling on value you first need to identify what value adds your agency is already doing. Take a moment and consider all the things you do for prospects and clients that goes beyond “order taking”.

This could be taking the time to understand their risk, using your experience to eliminate gaps in coverage, advocating on your client’s behalf when they have a claim, and providing resources and education.

Next, you should identify areas where you can create new value adds. This often comes from listening to your clients or from insurance business articles, or even from seeing what your competition is doing. Not all value-add options are going to be right for your agency, so consider them carefully before implementing them.

Once you’ve identified all they ways you bring value to your clients think of ways you can promote your value. Here are some easy ways to make sure you are selling on value:

  • Adjust your prospecting pitch to emphasis where you go above and beyond to assist your clients.
  • Provide case studies and testimonials
  • Add a page to your website that lists the different ways you add value for your clients
  • Promote your value adds on social media

The bottom line: if your clients and prospects understand the value you are providing them beyond simply offering a policy, they are more likely to want to do business with you and are less likely to shop their insurance elsewhere. You will develop long lasting relationships, grow your business, and ultimately find success.